This crate provides [`ClientWithMiddleware`], a wrapper around [`reqwest::Client`] with the
ability to attach middleware which runs on every request.
You'll want to instantiate [`ClientWithMiddleware`] using [`ClientBuilder`], then you can
attach your middleware using [`with`], finalize it with [`build`] and from then on sending
requests is the same as with reqwest:
use reqwest::{Client, Request, Response};
use reqwest_middleware::{ClientBuilder, Middleware, Next, Result};
use task_local_extensions::Extensions;
struct LoggingMiddleware;
impl Middleware for LoggingMiddleware {
async fn handle(
req: Request,
extensions: &mut Extensions,
next: Next<'_>,
) -> Result {
println!("Request started {:?}", req);
let res =, extensions).await;
println!("Result: {:?}", res);
async fn run() {
let reqwest_client = Client::builder().build().unwrap();
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest_client)
let resp = client.get("").send().await.unwrap();
println!("TrueLayer page HTML: {}", resp.text().await.unwrap());
[`build`]: ClientBuilder::build
[`ClientBuilder`]: ClientBuilder
[`ClientWithMiddleware`]: ClientWithMiddleware
[`with`]: ClientBuilder::with